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Ascendant Legacy Program

12 week fast track program

1:1 weekly coaching with Therapist and Relationship Coach

Ascended Legacy Modules (26)

Personal weekly and daily accountability through text

Emergency 1 on 1 support


Ascendant Legacy Program

12 week fast track program

1:1 weekly coaching with Registered Psychotherapist

Ascended Legacy Modules (26)

Personal weekly and daily accountability through text

Emergency 1 on 1 support

Men’s Emotions Come out in a way that’s Deemed as Negative Which is Why Traditional Facilities Medicate Men.

Boys that show emotion; rage fighting is described as delinquency and ADHD which end up being medicated.

So the narrative that men are less emotional; is a false narrative.

Rather, the way they’ve always shown emotion has been rejected, and the message that their emotions matter has never been reinforced.
Men’s Emotions Come Out In A Way That’s Deemed As Negative Which Is Why Traditional Facilities Medicate Men.

Boys that show emotion; rage fighting is described as delinquency and ADHD which end up being medicated.

So the narrative that men are less emotional; is a false narrative.

Rather, the way they’ve always shown emotion has been rejected, and the message that their emotions matter has never been reinforced.

Traditional Therapy Doesn’t Work For Men Because:

Society wrongly say Men are less emotional
Current school of thought of Psychotherapy is largely based on research data based on women.

We deal with men’s emotions differently than the way society and women have traditionally. We are here to tell you that therapy works for men.

Because men’s experience of therapy is 

Which is why we created our own method; the Ascended Legacy Program.

For Men, you need a solution-focused method that helps you understand how to effectively solve real life problems; not just talking about it.

For Men, you need a solution-focused method that helps you understand how to effectively solve real life problems; not just talking about it.

Which is why our program is 12 weeks long.

Also, this program isn’t just some dating tips or something you can google.


This is complete deep dive into your make-up and the DNA of how you make decisions and how you are wired.